These dimensions intertwine and feed each other. We act synchronously on these pillars to transform every business.
The Care And Connect Team
Development of your new internal operating methods (management, process, collective rituals) and definition of target individual behaviors to be implemented.
Definition in co-construction mode of a target organization and adjustment of your governance. Development of a change plan responding to the challenges of the desired transformation.
Development of a culture of commitment through innovative techniques (participatory workshops, hackathons, world café, design
thinking approaches, etc.)
Coaching of the Management Committee in order to improve their performance (cooperation, decision-making, etc.).
Design of events based on collective intelligence (seminars, experiential workshops, etc.)
Formalization of managerial practices.
Integration of managerial benchmarks in HR processes (Recruitment, evaluation, mobility, etc.)
Deployment of tailor-made workshops to develop committed and cooperative leaders.
Executive coaching and strategic mentoring based on strategic and operational business management experience.